Q & A
Do You Want to be My Friend? because it's about friendship, and friendships are very important to children.
今,絵本がとても注目されています。 幼児期に与える影響とか,いろいろ研究されていますが,先生は主にどのようなことを 考えて書いていますか?
My German editor once remarked that my books are literature for the not-yet or about-to-be readers; a Dutch film maker compared my picture to prehistoric cave paintings; and a young child called me a picture-writer. I would like to be a picture writer of cave paintings for the youngest who hold a book in their hands for the first time.
I am fascinated by the period in a child's life when he or she, for the first time, leaves home to go to school. What a gulf a child must cross then: from home and security, a world of play and the senses, to a world of reason and abstraction, order and discipline. I should like my books to bridge that great divide. For me, leaving the warmth of home to go to school was traumatic. It occurs to me that I am still trying to make that difficult first step from home to school easier.
前にドイツの編集者が、エリック・カールの本は、これから読書を始めようとしている子どものための本だと言いました。オランダの映画製作者は私の絵は原始時代に描かれた洞窟の壁画に似ているといいました。幼い子どもは私のことを"picture-writer" (絵本作家) と呼びます。私は、初めて本を手にする子どものために洞窟に壁画を描く絵本作家でありたいと思っています。 私は子どもが初めて学校に通い始める時期にとても興味があります。子どもは大きな海を渡らなければならないのです。暖かく安全で遊びと感覚の世界で満たされた家庭を飛び出して、理性的で抽象的、そして秩序と規律に満ちた世界に入っていくのです。私自身にとっても、暖かい家庭を離れて学校に行くという事はとてもショックなことでした。私は、子どもが家庭から学校に飛び出すその大変な一歩がすこしでも楽になるように、絵本を描いているんです。
First, there is no such thing as "children"; there is only a child, a child, a child!
Secondly, we writers and illustrators must write and illustrate what we know, what intrigues and interests each of us, and what comes from our heart and from the child in each of us. And then hope it will connect with that child
まず、「子どもたち」とひとくくりにするのではなく、子どもひとりひとりを大切にしなければいけないということに注意! 私たち絵本作家は、自分の知っていること、興味のあること、心の中にあること、そして、子どもの心の中にあることを書かなければならないのです。そうすることによって、読んでいる子どもとつながりが持てるのです。
My career began as a graphic designer. Later I was an art director for an advertising agency in New York. In the mid 1960's Bill Martin Jr, saw an ad of a red lobster that I had designed and asked me to illustrate his Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? What an inspiring book! I was set on fire! It was possible, after all, to do something special that would show a child the joy to be found in books. This opportunity changed my life. And almost without any planning, I became an author and illustrator of books for children. Now that I am in my seventies, I have begun to use whole sheets of my papers to create "paintings." Perhaps you saw them while they were on exhibit in Japan.
私は初めグラフィックデザイナーでした。その後、ニューヨークの広告代理店の美術部部長として働きました。1960年代中ごろ、私がデザインした赤いロブスターの広告を見たビル・マーティン・ジュニアが、彼が書いた「くまさん くまさん なにみてるの?」というお話に挿絵を描いてくださいと頼んできました。私はこれだと思いました。子どもに本の楽しさを教える特別な事ができると感じました。この出来事が私の人生を変えました。なんのためらいもなく、私は子ども向けの本の作者でありイラストレーターになったのです。 ようやく70歳を過ぎてから、大きな紙に「絵画」を描くこともはじめました。たぶん日本で展示会がある時に、見てもらえると思うよ。
Parents, teachers, feelings, surroundings, experiences, dreams, likes and dislikes, things you've seen and heard, even your wishes... all these somehow add up to a story.
In 1946, I had not yet turned seventeen years old when I began to study under Professor Ernst Schneidler, head of the graphic arts department, at the Akademie der bildenden Kunste in Stuttgart, Germany. Here, for the first time, I encountered collage. Professsor Schneidler had one ongoing course that had to be attended by all of us throughout the four year program, regardless of one's special interests: Raumaufteilung, Dividing Space (or composition).
For the practice of Raumaufteilung we students needed to prepare our own colored papers. We would start out with two cans of paint, say one red and one blue. The first sheet received a coat of pure red paint. The second sheet received a coat of red paint that had a dab of blue paint added to it. The third sheet received a coat of red paint with two dabs of blue paint. This process was repeated, each time more dabs of blue added, until one arrived at an almost pure blue, perhaps thirty or fifty sheets later. If a pure blue color was desired, the process was reversed, beginning with blue. Then it was on to yellow and red, green and brown, purple and orange and so forth. Soon each of us had a collection of beautiful colored papers.
From this assortment we cut or tore shapes and arranged them, usually, on a white background; of course, one could also start out with a colored or black background. These compositions were never glued down; they remained loose and after a while were taken apart to be discarded. So, these were collages, except that the shapes, the pieces of colored paper, were not glued to a surface.
Many years later, in my early thirties, when I was a graphic designer and art director for an advertising agency in New York, I remembered the collages of my student days. I bought colored tissue papers, which are commercially available in about forty shades, and composed a picture by cutting or tearing shapes from these tissue papers and pasting them down with rubber cement on white illustration board. I no longer use these materials as they are not permanent.
In the first book that I illustrated, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr, I again used the colored tissue papers to create the illustrations. But when I worked on my next book, I felt that the evenly-hued tissue papers needed to be made more interesting and, using acrylic paints, I added bold brush strokes of yellows, blues, purples and browns, creating a more textured look. Now I paint all my own tissue papers with acrylic paints, starting with the plain white sheets.
私が初めて描いたビル・マーティン・ジュニアの絵本、「くまさん くまさん なにみてるの?」では、イラストを描くのに色紙を使いました。でも、次の本では、同じ色の紙をもっとおもしろくするためにアクリル絵の具の黄色、青、紫、茶色で太く塗って風合いを出しました。今は、真っ白な紙にアクリル絵の具で色を塗って色紙を作っています。
For me, the combination of colors is more important than the individual colors.
My pictures are collages. I didn't invent the collage. Artists like Picasso and Matisse and Leo Lionni and Ezra Jack Keats made collages. Many children have done collages at home or in their classrooms. In fact, some children have said to me, "Oh, I can do that." I consider that the highest compliment.
I begin with plain tissue paper and paint it with different colors, using acrylic paints. Sometimes I use with a wide brush, sometimes with a narrow brush. Sometimes my strokes are straight, and sometimes they're wavy. Sometimes I paint with my fingers. Or I paint on a piece of carpet, sponge, or burlap and then use that like a stamp on my tissue papers to create different textures.
These papers are my palette and after they have dried I store them in color-coded drawers. Let's say I want to create a caterpillar: I cut out a circle for the head from a red tissue paper and many ovals for the body from green tissue papers; and then I paste them with wallpaper glue onto an illustration board to make the picture.
The video, Eric Carle: Picture Writer, shows exactly how I do this. Many children and teachers have seen the video and then made their own papers and pictures. You might want to try it. It's messy, but fun. The video is available from Philomel Books through your local bookstore or from Scholastic Books.
I have written and illustrated over seventy books.
One day I was punching holes into a stack of papers. Looking at the holes, I thought of a bookworm, but the bookworm did not work into an idea. So I changed the bookworm into a green worm. When I presented a book about the hungry green worm to Ann Beneduce, my editor, she liked the concept but not the worm. "How about a caterpillar?" asked Ann. "How about a butterfly?" I exclaimed. That's how The Very Hungry Caterpillar was born.
There are many ways a picture book comes into being. It all starts with an idea, one's imagination, a spark. But so far no one has come up with a satisfactory answer to where ideas, imagination, sparks, come from.
The tissue papers are 20 x 30 inches. But I keep all the scraps and re-use them until they are so small that, regretfully, they have to be thrown out.
I like all animals and insects. When I was a small boy, my father would take me on walks across meadows and through woods. He would lift a stone or peel back the bark of a tree and show me the living things that scurried about. He'd tell me about the life cycles of this or that small creature and then he would carefully put the little creature back into its home. I think in my books I honor my father by writing about small living things. And in a way I recapture those happy times.
動物も虫もみんな好きですよ。小さい時は、父がよく牧草地から森まで散歩に連れて行ってくれました。石の下や木の皮の下に生き物が潜んでいるのを教えてくれました。父はその生き物たちのことを説明すると、必ずそっともとの場所に返しました。 小さな生き物を描く事は、私にとって父への賛美なのです。ある意味で、絵本を描くことで、父との暖かい思い出をもう一度思い出しているのです。
I made Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me as a gift for my daughter, Cirsten. It's a love letter to her. This was during the time that I still worked in advertising, and had not yet begun publishing books. Our family had been living in an apartment house on the fourteenth floor in Queens. Later we moved into a house in the suburbs, with a backyard and trees. One night in winter time, we looked out the window, and the moon was up in the bare branches. The moon looked to us as if it were a ball caught in the branches of the tree, and my daughter said, "Papa, please get the moon for me." And so I made the book for her, never thinking it could be published.
In fact I had thought that no one could publish it, with the special fold-out pages that I incorporated into the design. Years later, though, I was meeting with one of my publishers, going through some things, and I showed it to him, and he said he could publish it. By this time, my daughter was a grown person, but of course I still dedicated the book to her.
There was a short time in my childhood when I wanted to be a forester. On many Sunday mornings my father and I would go for walks in the forest. This was in Germany and occasionally we'd pass a foresters house. It was nestled in the woods, surrounded by a large flower and vegetable garden, and enclosed by a picket fence. "Wouldn't it be nice to be a forester," suggested my father, "and live in such a place?"
He then went on to tell me about the deer, foxes, rabbits, and owls that would come up to the house. My imagination began to spin and for a while I wanted to become a forester and live in this remote fairyland. But soon I went back to my first love: drawing pictures.
In my adult life I have on occasion, fantasized about being a chef. Wouldn't it be great to be a cook in a fine restaurant and dream up mouthwatering meals. I see myself in a tall white hat, giving orders to my sub chefs and every so often dip my finger into a pot or pan and taste my inventions. A fantasy is something you never do, you just dream about it!
I did not read much as a child, nor was I read to, except for the Sunday funny papers that my father read to me while I sat in his lap.
Not only did I scribble when I was a child, but I still do!
As far back as I can remember I enjoyed drawing pictures and I knew then that I would always draw. When I had grown to the age when kids are asked what they'd do "when they had grown up," I always answered that I would draw pictures, be an artist, be a scribbler. It always felt good to work with pencil, paint, crayons, and paper. I will never stop being a scribbler.
Yes. You start with an idea. You sit down and sketch it out on a flat piece of paper. After it seems to work out all right, you put your story in rough form in a 32 page dummy. Now you've begun. When will it end? Sometimes the idea develops nicely, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes you work at it furiously and long hours; other times you may merely dabble a little here and there. You may get frustrated and banish your idea into a drawer or box (I have an idea box.-several in fact). All this takes time. Let us look at a few examples:
I worked on Do You Want to Be My Friend? for over two years. That doesn't mean that I worked at it steadily. One day I worked on it joyously, but the next day I would have doubts about my story. Then the idea gets put away. Two months later I'd fiddle with it again. And so it went for almost two years. Friend was in a state of banishment. I had once again lost faith in it, when my British editor visited me. I did not mean to show her what I had done so far on Friend, but somehow it fell out of a box, and before I could hide it, my editor leafed through my dummy and had declared it wonderful. Encouraged, I finished the illustrations over the next weekend.
The idea for Little Cloud (summer 1996) hit me like a lightening bolt. Excitedly I called my editor and she told me to go ahead. A week later, the finished art was delivered to the publisher.
It has been said by many and often that reading to our children is an important act that develops and strengthens the child's moral and intellectual growth. It is also said that one cannot write unless one has read.
You (father, mother, grandparent, etc.) should hold the child close when he/she is being read to. Put your arms around the child's shoulders, hold the childユs hand, place the child on your lap. Your child is still of an age when he/she need to be touched in order to be in-touch. These gestures tell the child that you care enough to give full and total attention to the task at hand. Growing up is often times perplexing to the child; the child needs reassurance. Now the book has become more than pages with words and pictures.
As you may know, I was born in the U.S. but lived in Germany from age 6 to 22. When I was 10 years old, WWII broke out. My father hadn't wanted to return to Germany, but my mother had become homesick after my Carle grandmother from Germany had visited us in Syracuse. And so it was decided to go. Of course, they later regretted it.
I tried to write a book without pictures about my boyhood in Germany during the war. I started to write it, but I found it very disturbing. I had nightmares about the war and tanks and people shooting at me. So I stopped and instead wrote Flora and Tiger: 19 Very Short Stories from My Life. They're simple autobiographical stories, each somehow concerned with animals and insects, a relative or a friend, and me. Some of the stories are from the wartime. This book, Dobutsu Sanpo, is available in Japan through Kaisei-Sha.
私は戦時中のドイツでの少年時代について、絵のない本を書こうとしたことがあります。でも書き始めると、とても困惑してしまいました。戦争の悪夢が襲ってくるのです。戦車がやってきて人々が私を撃とうとするのです。結局、私は戦争についての本を書くのをやめて、かわりに、「Flora and Tiger」という私の人生についての19の物語を書きました。私の自伝といってもいいでしょう。動物や虫、親戚や友達、そして私に関するお話です。いくつかのお話は戦時中のお話です。日本では、「動物さんぽ」という題で偕成社から出版されています。
I have always loved drawing pictures. In retrospect it appears that the action of these individuals had been orchestrated by a higher force to form my creative development.
MY FATHER, who drew rather well, wanted to become an artist. But his father, a state employee (customs official), would not have a "starving artist" in his family. So my father became a municipal clerk. However, he never lost his interest and love in drawing and often drew pictures for me, mostly of animals.
MISS FRICKEY, my first grade teacher in Syracuse, NY, discovered my love for drawing that, undoubtedly, had been passed on to me from my father. In an arranged meeting with my mother, Miss Frickey pointed out to her that her son was talented and that my mother should nurture that talent.
MY MOTHER, never stopped acting according to Miss Frickey's instruction and remained a proud and constant supporter of my talent.
HERR KRAUSS, my art teacher in gymnasium (German high school) early discovered my love for drawing and painting. With great care and deliberation he set out to cultivate my artistic development. When I was 12 or 13 years old he secretly showed me reproductions of the Forbidden Art done by so-called degenerate artists, according to the then prevailing Nazi doctrine. For this act of defiance Herr Krauss could have been dismissed or worse. His courageous act opened my eyes to the beauty of German Expressionism and Abstract Art. In addition, Herr Krauss demonstrated his trust in me.
HERR CAROLUS, my Latin teacher, was unable to teach me Latin. But he, his wife and 5 children loved to perform classical music and often played Haus Musik in their home. We, his pupils, were invited to attend there musical offerings. For the first time in my young life I listened to classical music and soon became a lover of the music by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, and Schumann.
PROF. SCHNEIDLER, at the Akademie der bildenden Kunste, with whom I studied design form age 16 to 20. These 4 years were the most inspiring and exciting years of my artistic schooling. Here I also met and related to my fellow students from various backgrounds. My artistic, spiritual and cultural horizons expanded at the Akademie.
考 え て み よ う
メ ッ セ ー ジ
「私が子どもたちに言いたいのは、絵の具が線からはみ出すのを心配するな、ということです。これは実はもっと大きな意味で言っているのです。失敗を恐れるなと言いたいのです。頭で考えたことよりも、予期せぬ出来事の方が重要だということもあります。自分の心の声に耳を傾けながら、偶然に身を任せるのです。特に絵を描く人はそうです。壁にできたひび割れをなぞり描きしていくうちに、そこから物語が生まれるのです。 」
特 別 授 業 |
ノースハンプトン(アメリカ・マサチューセッツ州) | |
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クラーク美術館(マサチューセッツ州ウィリアムスタウン) |
「君たちは美術館に行くと、全体のかたちを見たり、誰が描いたかっていう説明を読んだり、絵の意味を考えたりすると思う。私のやり方は、そういう絵の見方とはちょっとだけ違う。私は、描かれているモノや形を見るだけじゃなくて、絵に鼻をつけるぐらい近寄って、画家の筆遣いや背景のタッチ、絵の具の質感などを見るんだ。すると、いままでは人間の肖像だと思っていたものが、とても繊細な色の織物だということが見えてくるんだ」 |
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絵本「はらぺこあおむし」 |
特別授業の最後に、子どもたちはカールさんの原点となったこの穴の空いた絵本作りに挑戦しました。 |
授業風景 | |
(1)「色の魔法を学ぼう」 |
 色にひたって色紙作り |

フレームで自然を 切り取り色彩を発見 |
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(2)「 頭のネジを巻いて絵本作り」 | |

絵本作りのアイディアが つまった箱を披露 |

穴のあいた絵本作りに 挑戦する |